January 15, 2019

Free your Synology ports for Docker

(23rd July 2024) It’s been over 5 years since I wrote this post originally to remind me how I did this. It has also been brought to my attention that this is linked from the official Pi-hole docs which is awesome. Therefore I owe it to you all to bring this guide firmly into 2024, compatible with DSM 7.2 and Docker Compose. I’ve been running Pi-Hole on my Synology for many many years. Read more

November 29, 2017

Running Pi-Hole inside Docker on Synology

Update 2 I’ve created a new post which shows a different method, the one that I currently use. Free your Synology ports for Docker) Update This post was updated in January 2018 and details how to get the Debian version of pihole-docker running as the Alpine version is no longer supported. When I first wrote about installing Pi-Hole inside Docker on my Synology NAS I came up with a solution that required a little modification to the standard DSM (see: Freeing up port 80 on Synology DSM). Read more

February 4, 2017

Freeing up port 80 on Synology DSM

I recently purchased a new NAS for my home network. My reliable ReadyNAS has been working flawlessly for the past 6 years and still going strong (if a little slow). As I really wanted a NAS that would support docker containers I was drawn to the DS916+. So far everything has been easy to configure, launching docker containers a breeze and has generally been a great experience; apart from 1 little thing. Read more

January 1, 2014

Configuring your Haskell environment

My love of functional programming has been getting stronger over the past year so I decided to attend Well-Typed Haskell courses at Skills Matters1. As I’m a huge fan of JetBrains IntelliJ IDE I found using Haskell a little lacking in this area (unless you can be online with FP Complete.) In this article I will explain how I configured my Haskell development environment using Sublime Text 3 and a few extras. Read more

December 31, 2013

Installing Homebrew on OSX Mavericks

I choose to install all my applications via Homebrew. It’s easy to install, easy to update, works well for me and has all the required packages including everything required for Haskell. Installing Homebrew is as easy as running the following command in terminal[^brew]: $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" You will be required to enter your administrator password and might be asked to install Apples Xcode developer tools and also Git versioning tool. Read more

September 16, 2012

Backing up and restoring a ReadyNAS Ultra

I’ve had my ReadyNAS drop of the network a couple of times, and lately has been warning me about errors on my disk 2 so I thought it was a good idea to replace that drive. Due to the few network issues I’ve had I decided that taking the opportunity to restore the ReadyNAS was a good idea (I had messed with it quite a bit before.) As I have just under 3TB used my new replacement drive would be 3TB so that I could use it for backup / restore and then as a replacement to the failing 2TB drive. Read more

August 15, 2012

Grouping collections in Java

Recently I came across some code that was iterating over collections in order to group them by certain fields. This code was repeated a few times as it was grouping more than once. To me this seemed very verbose and a little hard to understand. As Guava was the available library and one that does not include any grouping I decided to have a go myself. The iterative approach Map<Character, List<String>> group = newHashMap(); List<String> strings = asList("one", "two", "three", "four"); for (String string : strings) { Character firstCharacter = string. Read more

August 11, 2012

Fixing corrupted time machine backups

Yesterday my MacBook Air decided that it no longer trusted my Time Machine backup and wanted to create a new one. Apart from the time this would take (20gb over WiFi) and the fact that I’d lose my current history I was a little bit wary so declined. Unfortunately this was not a the last I heard of it. Time Machine refused to back up until I started a new back up. Read more

August 2, 2012

Publishing from the iCloud

I’ve recently been using IA Writer as my markdown editor. I love the fact that I can use any of my iDevices and that it’s all synced in the iCloud. But how do I access the iCloud data so that I can include it in my Octopress git repository? Show me the data On Mountain Lion (and Lion I believe) all the iCloud data is hidden away in your home directory. Read more

August 1, 2012

Setting up Octopress

When upgrading to Mountain Lion I decided to replace my existing Wordpress site with a static one. There were many reasons for this. With Wordpress I was unable to easily version control my posts into GitHub. I also had no control over and backup strategies. One of my colleagues - Toby Weston - was running Octopress so I thought I’d take a look. Octopress is based upon Jekyll, developed and used by GitHub. Read more

© Tony Lawrence 2019 - Waffly Bollocks